The perfect French carp fishing holiday

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Articles and Testimonials

Etang Meunier

By Bill Cottam, Nutrabaits Ltd

My first trip to Etang Meunier was at the end of April 1999. it was wonderful! Off the top of my head Colin McNeil and I shared a catch of around thirty fish including a good number of twenties and one thirty plus at 31-10.

A cracking 40lb 10oz mirror for Bill

It was obvious, even in those early days, that the fish had an enormous amount of potential, but it would have been impossible to predict just what was destined to happen over the next decade or so; Meunier now boasts an incredible head of thirties and forties and several fish well in excess of fifty pounds. A stock that many lakes five times the size would be shouting from the roof tops about!

It isn't all about pounds and ounces or even kilos of course, but the even better news is that the Meunier fish are amongst the best looking and most impressive I have ever seen; take my word for it, if you are fortunate enough to land just one of the lakes deep bodied chestnut brown mirrors, you will go home very happy indeed!

Bill with a 45lb 12oz mirror

If my memory serves me correctly, I think I have fished Meunier about a dozen times since that first session and the lake has never let me down, it is a fantastic place to spend a week of your life, irrespective of how successful you are during your stay.

Like any fish that are worth fishing for, there are times when the Meunier fish can be incredibly frustrating and difficult to catch, but then again there are times when you can enjoy a run of big fish that practically defies belief.

Pick the phone up and book yourself a trip today, but do me a favour; make sure you leave a week for me!!

Click on an image below to view a larger version...
32lb 14oz mirror 33lb 2oz mirror 35lb mirror 35lb 02oz mirror 36lb mirror 36lb 4oz mirror 37lb 2oz mirror 37lb 8oz mirror 38lb mirror 38lb 8oz mirror 38lb 8oz mirror Judi Cottam with a 39lb 2oz mirror 39lb 4oz mirror 39lb 6oz mirror

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